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I’m Megan.

My whole life, I have struggled with the two competing sides of my personality: an equal mix of a quiet homebody and curious adventurer.

I spent the first three decades of life rotating between a home-base in the Midwest and traveling anywhere in the world a plane would take me in an effort to please the never-satisfied explorer within me.

No matter how many places my travels took me to, I always returned home to life in the Midwest (first Indiana – then Chicago). I would settle back into my daily life, contented to return to a familiar routine while being close to family and friends, but it wouldn’t take long before I started feeling antsy, dreaming of a new destination.

I recognized that as much as I loved to discover new destinations, packing my life up to travel for months at a time and then returning back home to start all over again might be working for me in the moment, but it wasn’t really the life I was interested in living for the next 70 plus years.

I decided to make a big change, which meant leaving my job, life, and roots in the Midwest to set off on a year-long adventure with my husband. It had always been our dream to travel together, and my hope was that through this experience, I would learn more about the world, about myself, and about what kind of life I really wanted to live. I documented it all here on my blog For the Love of Monday.

What I learned during that time was that I wanted to find a place to live that could satisfy both of those sides of myself. Where I could plant roots that wouldn’t need to be ripped out each time I needed to feed the restless traveler in me. A place that I’d want to actually live in, but also offered the kind of experiences that I knew helped me feel more alive and more myself. That meant it needed to offer proximity to things like nature, outdoor adventures, culture, new towns to explore, good food and beer, and a few national parks to explore every weekend wouldn’t hurt either.

This is how I found myself in Colorado. It was the perfect place for both my itchy traveler’s feet and my comfort craving heart.

I am still working on feeling fully settled and connected to my new home state, so I started For the Love of Colorado to document all the Colorado experiences and destinations that I discover and fall in love with along the way.

On For The Love of Colorado, you’ll find a mix of posts that reflect my favorite things: hikes, trail runs, getaway weekends, my neverending search for good vegan food, fun things to do in Colorado, and a lot of other random things that just happen to enter my brain at the time.

Regardless of where you live, I hope you find a place that helps to balance all the unique parts of you – whether that is a brand new state or a quiet corner of your home where you can breathe a little more freely.

Love, Megan

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Always up for a new adventure, and Colorado is full of them. Here is where you can find my favorite Colorado destinations and experiences. Read More

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